Even if the European Union and the United Kingdom conclude a highly ambitious partnership covering all areas agreed in the Political Declaration by the end of 2020, the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU acquis, the internal market and the Customs Union, at the end of the transition period will inevitably create barriers to trade and cross-border exchanges that do not exist today. There will be broad and far-reaching consequences for public administrations, businesses and citizens as of 1 January 2021, regardless of the outcome of negotiations. These changes are unavoidable and stakeholders must make sure they are ready for them. To assist, the Commission is reviewing – and where necessary updating – the over 100 sector-specific stakeholder preparedness notices it published during the Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom.
Those notices that have already been updated as ‘notices for readiness’ can be found underneath.
Readiness notices
Air transport Animal breeding (zootechnics) Animal transport Aviation safety Chemicals (REACH) Consumer protection and passenger rights Cosmetic products Excise duties European Works Councils Feed Food law Genetically-modified organisms Industrial products Medicinal products (human use, veterinary) Movements of live animals Natural mineral waters Online purchase with subsequent parcel delivery Organic products Plant health Value added tax (VAT) – goods
If the European Union and the United Kingdom fail to reach an agreement by 31 December 2020, the changes at the end of the transition period would be even more far-reaching.
For more information, go to the European Union and the United Kingdom – Forging a new partnership