Our Projects

In the run up to the Holyrood elections in May 2021, we campaigned in constituencies where the majority of voters are pro-EU, yet had unionist, pro-Brexit MSPs. We believe that the situation has changed drastically since the last independence referendum: the UK has left the European Union and the UK’s new internal market means that the Westminster government will be able to over-rule Scotland’s devolved powers.

The result of these elections and the agreed power-sharing agreement between the SNP and the Scottish Green Party sent a strong message to Westminster that Scotland is committed to retaining its devolved powers, to Independence and to EU Membership.

If your Yes group would like to work with us in achieving our twin aims, please contact us via yesforeu@gmail.com

Please check our social media for confirmation and details of each event.

Street stalls

Our Monthly Street Stalls aim to raise awareness of the threat to Scotland’s devolved powers and the benefits of independence, including membership of the European Union. Our 2024 stall dates are listed below. Please contact us for location.

  • Sunday 21 January
  • Saturday 10 February
  • Sunday 10 March
  • Saturday 13 April
  • Thursday 9 May to celebrate Europe Day
  • Sunday 16 June – register to vote push!
  • Saturday 29 June in Stirling
  • Sunday 28 July
  • Sunday 25 August
  • Saturday 18 September: supporting Believe in Scotland’s Rally for Independence at Holyrood
  • Sunday 20 October
  • Sunday 17 November

Marches, rallies and other outdoor events

We supported Believe in Scotland’s major Rally for Independence at Holyrood on 18 September 2024.

Yes for EU attended the Meadows Festival in Edinburgh on Sunday 2nd June 2024, sharing a stall with Yes Marchmont & Morningside. See some pictures here!

On 2 September 2023 Yes for EU and Believe in Scotland organised a March through the High street of Edinburgh and Rally at Holyrood, for Independence and EU Membership. See pictures here.

Workshops, talks and conferences

On 7 June 2024 we held a talk by Sarah de Sanctis about the Speak up for Scotland campaign led by Europe for Scotland.

Watch here to see an interview from our Saturday 27 January 2024 workshop in Edinburgh: The EU is enlarging – how can Scotland join in? And for the full report click here.

On our Youtube Channel, you can catch up with past events including our June 2023 talk with Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp of Believe in Scotland, on the subject of Independence and the Wellbeing Economy and our Philippa Whitford, MP Webinar, which took place on Europe Day, 9 May 2023.

You can view recordings of our past webinars on our videos page. Future webinars will be announced via Twitter and Facebook