23 June 2024
General Election 2024, campaigning for an Indy Scotland in the EU!
Our brand new flyer is out in time for 4 July. Catch us out leafleting in and around Edinburgh in the final push until the General Election and get in touch if you would like to join or collect flyers from us.
2 June 2024
Stall at Meadows Festival, Edinburgh
Another great collaboration with Yes Marchmont & Morningside this year, thanks for sharing your stall space! We had lots of very intereting conversations and a fantastic response from the passing public. A breezy day but what a great display of all the flags! A big thank you as well to all our volunteers who turned up on the day!
25 March 2024
An EU Association Agreement for Scotland
On Saturday 27 January 2024, we held a workshop in Edinburgh, entitled:
The EU is enlarging – how can Scotland join in?
Click here to view the full Report from our successful workshop.
Watch here for an interview with one of our presenters, Dr Kirsty Hughes.
14 September 2023
March & Rally for Independence and EU Membership
Our 2nd September 2023 March and Rally, organised in conjunction with Believe in Scotland and with financial support from Scottish Independence Foundation was a huge sucess and we would like to say a massive thank you to the 25,0000 marchers, to all our fantastic speakers and to our amazing volunteers!
Lots of lovely pictures of the event below. Click here to view a list of our speakers and musical entertainments.
Or click here to listen to the speeches, thanks to Scottish Independence Podcasts.
If you can, please consider making a donation to Yes for EU in support of this event, by bank transfer using the details below, with payment reference “September 2nd”. Thank you!
Bank: Reliance Bank, Account Name: Yes for EU, Sort Code: 60-01-73, Account Number: 00219757, Reference: September 2nd
5 June 2023
Meadows Festival – stall sucess in the sunshine!
A great day in Edinburgh’s Meadows yesterday, lots of positive chats about Independence and EU Membership. A big thank you to Yes Marchmont & Morningside for sharing their stall space with us and much needed shelter from the sun under the gazebo! Massive thank you also to all our dedicated volunteers!
9 May 2023
Europe Day Celebrations
On Europe Day, 9th May, we had a lovely picnic and stall at the foot of the Mound in Edinburgh, see pictures below. This was followed in the evening by a webinar with Philippa Whitford MP, the recording of which can be found here. Thank you to everyone who volunteered and attended!
12 January 2023
Scotland’s Brexit Disaster – 3 years on
On 31st January 2020 Scotland was forced out of the EU against our democratically expressed wishes. To mark the third anniversary of the Brexit disaster, there will be events by Yes groups across Scotland in the last week of January / first week of February, including groups’ local actions, and social media campaigns focusing firstly on how Brexit harms Scotland, and then on stepping out of the darkness into the light. The Time for Scotland rally at Holyrood on 31st January has the theme of ‘lights on’.
Here you can download a set of 25 images for posters /placards which show the many ways that Brexit harms Scotland, including hashtags that we want to get trending! Why not choose one or two ‘favourites’ to either print off for using at events, or share on social media etc?
Download the ‘Brexit harms Scotland’ posters
Here you’ll find a set of suggestions and guidance for organising local group actions, including hashtags, so that a strong, co-ordinated national message is conveyed on social media and in live events. Get your own event listed in the National, on Time for Scotland website, etc!
Suggestions & guidance for local groups organising Brexit anniversary events
24 November 2022
Time for Scotland Holyrood Rally
On 23rd November, Yes for EU took part in a major rally at Holyrood organised by Time for Scotland, following the UK Supreme Court verdict. There were 15 rallies taking place simultaneously across Scotland, as well as gatherings in seven European Cities – Berlin, Rome, Paris, Dublin, Munich, Brussels and Skive, Denmark – coordinated by Europe for Scotland.
Yes for EU Treasurer and French New Scot, Elise Tallaron, who made her home in Scotland 27 years ago, delivered a message of Solidarity for Scotland from our friends across the EU.
Scottish friends,
Today is a sad day for Scotland and for all Europeans who believe in democracy.
This morning the UK Supreme Court certified that the UK’s unwritten constitution does not allow the Scottish Parliament to fulfil the democratic mandate from the Scottish people for a new independence referendum.
Whilst the UK government withholds its permission, Scotland is trapped in constitutional limbo, stuck in a supposed “voluntary union” against its democratic will.
We all know that the United Kingdom is all but united. For decades Scotland and England have been on divergent political paths, with radically different ideas for their future.
It was England that voted for Margaret Thatcher, David Cameron and Boris Johnson. Scotland not only rejected each and every one of them but in fact didn’t vote for any of the last ten Tory Prime Ministers.
It was England that voted narrowly to leave the European Union. Scotland never wanted to leave, and voted overwhelmingly to remain.
It is England that would like to be “Global Britain”. All Scotland wants is to be in charge of its own destiny and not become collateral damage for England’s terrible choices.
How many more Tory Prime Ministers should be inflicted on Scotland against its democratic will? How many more years should Scottish businesses suffer because of Brexit? How many more generations of young Scots should be deprived of the Erasmus programme and opportunities to freely travel and work in Europe?
How much longer should Scots be denied their democratic right to choose their own future?
Scots deserve the same rights and opportunities that we Europeans enjoy. And that’s why I am here today, to express our European solidarity and to tell Scots: we stand with you.
Tonight, my friends from Europe for Scotland are gathered in solidarity in 6 European cities.
They are showing their support in Edinburgh, Berlin, Rome, Dublin, Paris, Munich and Brussels. Tomorrow, they’ll also be gathering in Skive, Denmark.
Our message is simple. Scots are not alone.
Europeans support Scotland’s democratic right to choose its own future.
And Europeans would love to welcome our Scottish friends back into our European family and build a better Europe together.
The Scottish people’s mandate for a new independence referendum must be respected by the UK government.
Brexit must not be Scotland’s destiny.
Europeans will always keep a light on for Scotland.
The fight is not over. It has only just begun. Solidarity!
Click here to watch the whole rally, filmed by Independence Live.
Messages of Solidarity from across the EU
23 October 2022
Successful rally for Independence and EU Membership held in Edinburgh
Thank you to everyone who attended and/or help publicize our event! It was a big succes with c. 300 people in attendance on a very rainy day in Edinburgh. Amazingly it stayed dry for the duration of all the speeches! A big thank you especially to all our speakers and musicians, we are very grateful for your contribution. Photos below courtesy of Scott Liddell, cheers! Watch the speeches here (broadcast by Independence Live).
18 October 2022
Rally for Independence and EU Membership
On Saturday 22 October 2022, Yes for EU is taking part in Believe in Scotland’s National Day of Action. For more information and to register on Eventbrite click here.
11 October 2022
Supreme Court Hearing
On 11th and 12th October 2022 at the Supreme Court in London the Lord Advocate of Scotland is asking the UKSC to answer the question: Does the provision of the proposed Scottish Independence Referendum Bill that provides that the question to be asked in a referendum would be “Should Scotland be an independent country?” relate to reserved matters?
Click here for some detailed explanatory notes from one of our members, Gareth Morgan.
6 September 2022
Successful event at the Meadows, Edinburgh, on Saturday 3rd September 2022
In collaboration with Europe for Scotland, Women for Indy and Yes Marchmont and Morningside
Lots of footfall and positive conversations with folks at the Meadows Compass last Saturday. We were all running different surveys and got a good response rate. A great collaborative event!
19 August 2022
Tribute to Roberta – a gentle and passionate activist
We were very shocked and saddened to learn of the death of one of our most committed activists, Roberta Buchan, at the end of July. Roberta had been giving out leaflets and talking with passers-by at the Yes for EU stall on the Meadows on the morning of 31st July, but passed away suddenly later the same day.
Roberta was a regular at our stalls, events and meetings; her soft-spoken, gentle manner belied the strength of her passionate belief in our aims and in the importance of grassroots campaigning for independence and EU membership for Scotland.
At the news of her passing, many members wrote to us expressing their feelings and asking us to convey their condolences to the family – just a few of the messages are shown below.
We are going to hugely miss Roberta – such a lovely, kind, thoughtful and determined lady. We extend our sincere sympathy to her family and friends.
Tributes from our members:
Roberta was a very special person… what a loss.
I’m so very sad to hear that news. Roberta was a lovely lady and tireless campaigner.
Roberta was such a warm person – loved her beautifully calm approach, enjoyed her company and her sharp sense of humour, and brilliant smile.
Very sorry to learn of this. Roberta was a gentle, serious, good-humoured lady.
She was such a stalwart, so committed to the cause.
Roberta was so thoughtful in everything she did and I massively enjoyed her artistic exploits.
That is the saddest news. It was so lovely to be campaigning with her again when she decided to come over to Yes for EU, while still very active in Edinburgh for Europe too. She was brilliant at approaching people and engaging them in conversation. Such a sad loss.
Very sorry to hear this news, so sad that she missed being part of an independent Scotland.
I’ll miss Roberta very much. She was a good friend and an inspiration. We were together that day working for the cause. Rest in peace dear friend!