Who are we?

Yes for EU was established by a group of pro EU activists who campaigned tirelessly, between 2016 and 2019, for a people’s vote in order to stop Brexit.

We do not want to wait 10-20 years for the UK to rejoin the European Union; 62% of Scots voted to remain in the EU in 2016 and recent polls show that up to 72% of us want to rejoin the EU now! We are campaigning for an independent Scotland and to reclaim our rights as EU citizens as soon as possible.

March & Rally for Independence and EU Membership in Edinburgh on Saturday 2nd September 2023.

Contact us by e-mail: yesforeu@gmail.com

Or sign up to become a member of Yes for EU – it’s free! You’ll receive regular campaign updates.

Please help us raise funds so that we can continue to spread the word about the need for independence and full EU membership for Scotland.

Please consider making a regular monthly or annual donation.

Bank: Reliance Bank, Account Name: Yes for EU, Sort Code: 60-01-73, Account Number: 00219757, Reference: Donation

(if the transfer doesn’t go through at first, please try again or contact us)

In May 2021, the Scottish people clearly voted for a government that promises to hold an independence referendum and is committed to applying for full EU membership, once the Scottish people are free to determine their own future: The Scottish National Party and the Scottish Greens together won 72 out of 129 seats, on a turn-out which reached 63.5%, the highest-ever at a Scottish Parliament election.

On 1st September 2021, both pro-independence parties, the SNP and Scottish Greens published their co-operation agreement which included the statement: ‘Scotland should be an independent country within the European Union‘. We are working to make this a reality.

We are currently meeting via Zoom and are out and about campaigning at Street Stalls mainly in and around Edinburgh, in support of our twin aims of Independence and EU membership. We are also highlighting the impacts of the Westminster government’s hard Brexit on the Scottish economy, especially its effects on fishers, farmers, small business traders, students, performers and EU citizens who are losing their livelihoods because of Brexit.

We are keen to work with other Yes groups who agree with our aims. Please get in touch!

Check out our YouTube page to watch our recent webinars.

The Scottish people have a right to choose! First day of the Supreme Court hearing on whether the Scottish government can hold a second referendum on the question of Scottish independence

What are the benefits of full EU membership?

We are campaigning for FULL membership of the EU, so that trade with the EU27 can be restored, we can have freedom of movement once again and elect Scottish MEPs that will protect workers’ rights, environmental standards and peace in Europe.

This is the EU’s €14.7 billion flagship programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe and beyond, providing opportunities for young people to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.
Peace in Europe
The European Union has guaranteed peace between European countries for the past 60 years.
Climate Action
We have less than 10 years to prevent run-away climate change. We can only reduce our carbon emissions to net zero by working with our European partners. The EU’s Green Deal is backed by €600 billion to reach net zero by 2050, by decoupling economic growth from resource use and leaving no person or place behind.
Human rights

As an EU member our human rights will be protected by the European Charter of Fundamental Rights

Freedom of Movement

EU citizens are entitled to:
look for a job in another EU country;
work there without needing a work permit; reside there for that purpose;
stay there even after employment has finished; enjoy equal treatment with nationals in access to employment, working conditions and all other social and tax advantages
Single Market
The single market refers to the EU as one territory without any internal borders or other regulatory obstacles to the free movement of goods and services. A functioning single market stimulates competition and trade, improves efficiency, raises quality, and helps cut prices for both business and consumers.

Why full EU membership rather than join EFTA/EEA?

EEA/EFTA membership would mean more red tape for exporters and make Scotland into a ‘rule-taker’ rather than a ‘rule-maker’:

Some of our supporters

Jonathan is a Scot with overseas links. He supports Yes for EU because: “I want the freedom to live, work and make friends anywhere in my continent. I want to live bureaucracy free, but Brexit means bureaucracy.”

Gareth and his wife moved from Yorkshire to East Lothian soon after the 2016 referendum result. He says: “the First Minister spoke so powerfully from Bute House that day about Scotland’s place in Europe, with the Saltire and the EU Flag side by side. We were overwhelmed and delighted by the sense of welcome we received as immigrants. I am convinced independence and full membership of the EU is the best way forward.”

Alex lives in Argentina but is planning to move to Scotland. He says: “Dramatic landscapes and picturesque towns make you travel to Scotland, but what truly makes you wanna stay is definitely the Scots’ warmth!”